

Suggestions of the day Buñuelos of cod Rovellons iron Empan

Suggestions of the day Buñuelos of cod Rovellons iron Empanadillas of beautiful Feet of pig with samfaina Sepia with artichokes Solomillo Iberian with bakers Meatballs with tomato

Breakfasts of knife and tenedorChips of artichokes Prat with ……..

Breakfasts of knife and fork Chips of artichokes Prat with …….. lacastellana #Cover#elprat #lasprimeras#buenisimas# Of 8 to 16 h. Of Monday to Saturday

Breakfasts of knife and fork Tortilla of potatoes with mushrooms ajil

Breakfasts of knife and fork Tortilla of potatoes with mushrooms ajillo lacastellana #cover #elprat Of 8 to 16 hours of Monday to Saturday

lacastellana #Cover#elprat#

lacastellana #Cover#elprat#
1, 2, 3, 4 ... 9, 10, 11 - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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