It FINISHES AN ETAPAHan passed almost 54 years since Pilar and Hilar

SE ACABA UNA ETAPA Han transcurrido casi 54 años desde que Pilar y Hilario comenzaron su andadura en La Castellana un bar bodega , hoy 15 de julio Rosa y Miguel cierran la etapa del bar rte. La Castellana. Nos vamos con la sensación de haber cumplido, nuestro establecimiento goza de un gran prestigio dentro del mundo de la restauración, orgullosos de tener la mejor clientela y de haber cosechado grandes amigos , todo eso es lo que nos ha dado la fuerza para estar tantos años. En estos 54 años muchas personas nos han acompañado, por eso queremos agradecer a nuestros Herman@s , hij@s y demás familiares que han puesto su granito de arena para llegar a esta meta. Gracias a nuestros empleados y proveedores que también han tenido una parte importante de nuestro éxito. Gracia a tod@s y hasta siempre.
It FINISHES A STAGE Have passed almost 54 years since Pilar and Hilario began his career in The Castellana a bar cellar , today 15 July Rosa and Miguel close the stage of the bar rte. The Castellana. We go us with the feeling to having fulfilled, our establishment enjoys of a big prestige inside the world of the restoration, proud to have the best clientele and to having harvested big friends , all this is what has given us the force to be so many years. In these 54 years a lot of people have accompanied us, therefore we want to appreciate to our Herman@s , hij@s and other familiar that have put his granite of sand to arrive to this dip. THANKS TO our employees and providers that also have had an important part of our success. Gracia to tod@s and until always.
It FINISHES A STAGE Have passed almost 54 years since Pilar and Hilario began his career in The Castellana a bar cellar , today 15 July Rosa and Miguel close the stage of the bar rte. The Castellana. We go us with the feeling to having fulfilled, our establishment enjoys of a big prestige inside the world of the restoration, proud to have the best clientele and to having harvested big friends , all this is what has given us the force to be so many years. In these 54 years a lot of people have accompanied us, therefore we want to appreciate to our Herman@s , hij@s and other familiar that have put his granite of sand to arrive to this dip. THANKS TO our employees and providers that also have had an important part of our success. Gracia to tod@s and until always. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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